Thursday, March 27, 2008

Burrell's poor defensive game

Stanley Burrell usually leads his team from the defensive end, yet today he was displeased with his defensive play by his own personal assessment:
“Personally I played terrible on defense. I made so many mistakes…. It was more of the moving, he screening and the cuts that threw me off. Not nowing if I am going to get backscreened or downscreened. It kept me off balance. They did a nice job in the second half of not doing so much dribbling, because if they do that then I am going to take over. But they did more cutting…. I am hoping to play better in the next game. You have to own up to your mistakes, and I made a lot tonight.”

With such a horrible game from their defensive leader it is no wonder that Xavier was having so much trouble stoping WVU late. A lot of credit should go to Huggins to for making the switches that Burrell is eluding to.

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